English introduction
Let’s start with the meaning of the term 母難. 母 is mother, and here 難 is pronounced in the fourth tone and it means 受難, to suffer great pain, be in tremendous distress. 受難 is the word in Chinese to refer to the Passion of Jesus Christ. So, when is the day that each mother goes through great physical pain? When is〈母難(nàn)日〉?
Each year on this day many people celebrate it with cakes, parties and a lot of happiness. And that is the birthday. This poem was written by Yú Guāngzhōng to commemorate his mother. Yú Guāngzhōng is a famous writer, poet, translator, educator and literary critic of great prestige in the Chinese world. This poem is written with simple vocabulary but deep and rich in sentiments. 〈母難(nàn)日〉 is a trilogy. Following is the first set of this poem.
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